From their speckled feathers to their unique cries that give them their name, mourning doves are fascinating creatures. If you live in North America, you have likely heard the cooing of a mourning dove or…
Tag: Doves
Interested about Doves? Then you’re at the right place! Here we cover informative posts related to doves. Keep scrolling and click on the specific post you want to read!
Are Mourning Doves Smart? Do They Recognize Humans?
Interested in mourning doves? Are these gentle birds clever enough? Keep reading till the end as I explain their intelligence, share some interesting facts about them, and explore whether or not they are capable of…
Why Do Mourning Doves Chase Each Other? (Explained)
Sometimes elegant mourning doves act downright strange, such as when you see a group of three birds flying after each other or a pair chasing a single bird coming to feed. So, why do mourning…
Are All Doves White? (Top 4 Things You Need To Know!)
The vast majority of doves are not white, and they actually come in a wide variety of different colors. The white doves that most people think of tend to be domestic birds that have been…