Are There Ravens In Florida? (Explained!)

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Was it a crow or a raven that visited your beautiful property in Florida? A better analysis of this can be done when we are sure about the location of the Ravens. So, are there Ravens in Florida?

As a general rule, the Common Ravens are less likely to be found in Florida. However, they have successfully recolonized in regions such as Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.

Read on till the end to be sure whether the Blackbird that visits you in Florida is a Raven or any other bird.

What States Do Ravens Live In?


Usually, the common Ravens are found in the following locations in the United States:

  • New York
  • West Virginia
  • Pennsylvania
  • Western Maryland
  • Virginia

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    Historically, the Common Ravens were throughout much of the region of North America. But because of the persecution and habitat loss, a population decline occurred throughout much of the Eastern US.


    Thanks to the Appalachian Mountain Range that acted as a refugium for the Ravens and regional source population for range expansion.

    Fast forward now, Ravens are common around the Mountainous region of Appalachia. Also, they have expanded and successfully recolonized in the following states:

    • Ohio
    • Kentucky
    • Tennessee 
    • Alabama 

    So that’s how the scenario is regarding the presence of Ravens in the States. 

    While researching, I didn’t find any resource specifically mentioning the presence of Ravens in Florida.

    As per the general consensus, it seems like the likelihood of spotting a Raven in Florida is very less.

    That said, it is also essential to note that Alabama is a neighboring state of Florida.


    And we already saw that the Ravens have recolonized up to Alabama. (So, were you able to connect the dots?)

    Did I Spot A Raven Or Crow In Florida?

    Often you might get confused about whether you spotted a Raven or Crow in Florida. The chances of spotting a common Raven in the Eastern United States are relatively less than the American Crows. 


    Here’s a quick table that will help you to identify the difference between Raven and Crow In Florida:

    VoiceCroak and ScreamCaw and Purr
    SizeRelatively Heavier and LongerRelatively Less Heavy and Short
    Length25 in (63 cm)16-20 in (40-50 cm)
    Weight2.6 pounds (1.2 kg)11-21 oz. (300-600 gm)
    Tail FeathersLonger middle feathers in the tailTail feathers with the same length
    Tail ShapeWedge-shaped (when open)Open like a fan
    TravelIn PairsIn Larger Groups
    BeakRelatively Bigger And CurvierShorter And More Pointed
    FlightRide the thermals and soarFlap relatively more

    Find Out: Are Ravens Smarter Than Crows?

    It is crucial to highlight that Ravens are not so common in populated urban areas. So if you observe a really big crow in the city, it is most likely a crow rather than a Raven.

    Also, you may have spotted another blackbird instead of a crow or a Raven. There are indeed other blackbirds found in Florida. Let’s have a look at them.

    Other Blackbirds Found In Florida

    #1. Common Grackle


    A Common Grackle is a blackbird that appears black when you see it from a distance. The size of a common grackle is similar to a mourning dove.

    However, when you take a closer look at the common grackles, you can observe their glossy purple body contrasting with their bronzy body.

    The common grackles are the most frequently found blackbirds in Florida in the Summers. And they are third most in the winters.

    Female Common Grackles are usually less glossy than their male counterparts. And the young ones are typically dark brown colored with dark eyes. 

    These birds are often noticed in large flocks foraging on lawns. At feeders, they can dominate over the smaller bird.

    You can find these birds around city parks, agricultural fields, and suburban lawns. Moreover, they are also commonly found in woodland, meadows, and marshes.

    You May Also Like To Read: Why Grackles Puff Up?

    #2. Rusty Blackbird


    A medium-sized blackbird that has a slender bill and it is a bit larger than the Red-winged Blackbird. 

    You can find the Rusty Blackbirds in Florida during the winter. 

    Compared to a Common Grackle, Rusty blackbirds tend to have thinner bills and shorter tails. In addition, the breeding males of this species have a dark, glossy black appearance.

    In the winter, the males can be recognized by their rusty feather edges.

    Female birds of this species have a gray-brown appearance and rusty feather edges. The Rusty Blackbirds usually group in small flocks in the winters.

    Moreover, they also sometimes mix with Common Grackles, European Starlings, and Red-Winged Blackbirds.

    These birds are typically found in wet regions such as swamps, marshes, and pond edges. 

    During times of winter and migration, these moist habitats become their favored choice for foraging.

    #3. Brewer’s Blackbird


    Brewer’s Blackbird is a small but long-legged bird. 

    You may find these birds quite rarely in Florida. But still, they are regarded as regularly occurring in the state and can be found on open grounds, busy streets, or underfoot in parks.

    Male birds of these species have a glossy black all-over appearance with a starling yellow eye. 

    On the other hand, females of these species are plainer brown and have dark eyes.

    In flocks, these birds tend to rise and fall as they are flying, and while landing, they circle before settling.

    Brewer’s Blackbird can be spotted in places such as grasslands, meadows, riversides, lawns, city streets, golf courses, and parks. 

    Final Thoughts

    In short, there are very few chances of finding a raven in Florida. If you spotted a blackbird like a crow, there is a good chance of it being a crow and not a Raven.

    Also, be sure to check whether or not it is another blackbird, like a Common Grackle or a Rusty Blackbird.

    Historically, Ravens were found throughout much of North America. And currently, they have also recolonized states like Alabama, which is just a neighbor to Florida. Hence, we can’t completely rule out the possibility.

    So the next time you go near that Raven, try to identify whether it is really a raven or something else 🙂 

    But no need to stress too much! Whether it is a Crow or a Raven, I’m sure you already call it with a cute name, and that’s enough to start your bonding with the bird. Happy Birding!


    By Ravi Ganguly

    Hi! I'm Ravi, an avid birder and the founder of Since my childhood days, I have developed a special interest in birds. I always enjoy whenever I talk or study something about them. Over the years, it has grown into my hobby which eventually inspired me to build this blog. My goal is to share helpful bird-related content with other birders worldwide. Come, join me on this exciting journey!